02. Flowers that last out of water

Everyone knows that dehydration makes flowers sad, drooped.
But there are some flowers can survive without water for 1 to even 8hrs!

Here are the list of flowers that easily found and familiar.

1. Rose
They can last out of water a couple of hours.
But they also like to drink lots of water.
So when you put them in the vase, make sure you water level is more than half of vase.







2. Carnation
Some might think they are “old-fashioned” but they become one of my favorites.
They are available all year  round, inexpensive, come in a variety of colours.
Plus, they can survive out of water for a couple of hours!







3. Chrysanthemum 

 Personally,  Chrysanthemums are most undervalued flowers in Asia, because they are perceived as “funeral flowers”.
Well.. I should say it really depends …again, mums also come in a variety of colours and shapes.

They can really survive out of water… in my experience, upto 4-5 hours.






4. Orchid

The most common flowers in Singapore are one of the long-lasting flowers. Isn’t it great?

They not only can survive without water but also in hot weather







So above flowers can be your first pick when you are not able to replenish water whatever reasons 😀


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